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Home / Products / Movies / The Art of the Steal (2009)

The Art of the Steal (2009)

The Art of the Steal is a 2009 documentary film about the alleged theft of what is generally considered to be the world's best collection of post-Impressionist art (valued in 2009 at least $25-billion), theft by the second and later generations of the foundation's board, after the Pew Trust, Annenberg Foundation, and Philadelphia politicians, including Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, violated the clear intent of the written will of the collector and owner, Doctor Albert C. Barnes. It describes the successful effort by Philadelphia's leading aristocrats to break Barnes's will and move the collection away from the setting and arrangement that Barnes had painstakingly established for it in Lower Merion to downtown Philadelphia. The film presents a blow-by-blow account of the breaking of Barnes' will, a decades-long process that was initiated by Philadelphia aristocrats who were enemies of Dr. Barnes while he was alive, and that was continued by the heirs of those aristocrats.

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Director: Don Argott
Release date: September 12, 2009
Running time: 101 minutes

External links:
Official site
Rotten Tomatoes