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Wanderer of the Wasteland (1945)

Wanderer of the Wasteland is a 1945 American Western film directed by Wallace Grissell and Edward Killy and starring James Warren, Richard Martin, and Audrey Long. The screenplay was written by Norman Houston loosely based on the novel Wanderer of the Wasteland by Zane Grey, the film is about and young cowboy searching for the man who killed his father when he was a boy. With his lifelong friend at his side, he travels the country following his one clue—a distinctive brand on the killer's horse. When he tracks down the now elderly murderer, he finds he cannot kill him because of his feelings for the man's kindhearted daughter. Wanderer of the Wasteland was filmed on location in Lone Pine, California. Produced by RKO Radio Pictures, the film was released on September 28, 1945 in the United States.

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Director: Wallace Grissell
Edward Killy
Distributor: RKO Radio Pictures
Release date: September 28, 1945
Running time: 67 minutes

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